Saturday, September 15, 2012


Welcome to my blog! This is the first time I have ever blogged so we will see where this takes us.
I am currently a very busy person. I am a mother to 2 terrific little boys, ages 4 and 1. I work part time and am a full time student in ESU's Elementary Education program.

I love to work with the young children. Before this year I was a special education para for preschoolers, and I loved working with them so much. But I think that I really would like to teach the Kindergartners! I spent lots of hours observing in the Kindergarten setting and really enjoyed. It is their first year in the big kid school and they are so eager to learn. You get to teach them so many valuable things and you also get to set their impression of what they can expect from school. I am very energetic person and love to act goofy with the kiddos. I think it is very important to make sure the children have fun while they are learning in school. As far as subject areas go, as an elementary teacher I will be teaching them all of the subjects, so I need to be familiar with everything. :)

My first time in college right out of high school I was not really sure what I wanted to do with my life, so I just pretty much took college classes to just get a degree. I thought about becoming a teacher, but decided against it. I thought that I wanted to become a juvenile social worker. I thought that I could help children in need and in the long run it ended up being way harder than I ever thought and I saw some really bad things, and realized it was not for me.But after working in the school setting for the last 3 years I really got an understanding for what it was like and I loved it. So now I am returning back to college to get my teaching degree. It is just a blessing to be able to teach so many children and to see them grow over the years. Their little minds are like sponges and they absorb so much information.